Saturday Shoutout / Vokey and Bartschi

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Jim Bartschi fishes the Gunnison. Photo by Louis Cahill

A great conversation between April Vokey and Jim Bartschi, of Scott Fly Rods.

I think April hits the nail on the head, Jim Bartschi is kind of the invisible man of fly fishing. Which is interesting, considering he is one of the greatest rod designers of all time. It would be very easy for him to let his ego run. Instead, he is a very rare mix. An incredibly humble guy, who knows exactly what he thinks and makes no bones about it. When Jim does talk, it’s wise to listen.

I always enjoy April’s interviews. This one especially. It’s cool to hear Jim open up and talk about  his own history and the history of Scott. Take a few minutes and get to know the man behind the Scott rods.

Vokey and Bartschi


Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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2 thoughts on “Saturday Shoutout / Vokey and Bartschi

  1. always love hearing and reading about the great pioneers in the sport. Andre Puyans is still talked about among the old guys on the Henry’s Fork who knew him personally and have great stories to tell.

  2. I second your opinion on April Vokey. I have been a fan of hers for years, and her podcasts are some of the best in the budiness.

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