Gink and Gasoline’s Summer Slam Giveaway Winner!!!

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By Justin Pickett

I want to give a huge shout out to all of you that entered our giveaway this week! 

Thousands of you entered and made this giveaway a huge success and we thank each and every one of you for participating! We had entries from all over the world! Places where we had no idea people even knew Gink and Gasoline existed! 

Huge thanks go out to the brands who donated gear and participated in making this giveaway so awesome! A special “Thank You!” also goes out to Adam Hutchison of Winston Rods for helping to get this thing off the ground and running, as well as Jason, Justin, and Lincoln from Yakoda Supply Co. for helping with the imaging and some serious logistical advice! 

Alright, so who’s the lucky winner of over $3800 in gear?!


Congrats Tyler! We’re super stoked for you! We will be contacting you very soon to exchange some info so we can get all of this gear shipped out to you ASAP! We Hope you enjoy all of this amazing gear!

Thanks again to all of you that participated! We had a ton of fun putting this giveaway together and look forward to doing it again soon!

Keep It Fishy G&G Nation!

Justin Pickett
Gink & Gasoline
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3 thoughts on “Gink and Gasoline’s Summer Slam Giveaway Winner!!!

  1. Look forward to your email each week. I am the Program Lead for the Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing program in Charleston, SC. After 42 years of military service this is a way I can give back to the deserving disabled veterans. This gear would go a long way in helping our program.

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