Glass Is Good!

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By Justin Pickett Oh, the world of fast fly rods…. They can be great tools. Some of my favorite rods are most definitely faster than your “average joe” rod. But what about for the beginning angler? Or someone trying to work the kinks out of their casting stroke?...

Build Your Own Fly Rod: DIY Video 3

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Things are heating up in our DIY fly rod build. Matt Draft is back for the third video in our seven part series on building your own fly rod. In this video you’ll learn about tip tops, how to spline a rod blank, wrap your guides...

Dean River Chinook

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By Jeff Hickman IT'S TIME FOR THE BIG BOYS. With the rapidly increasing popularity of Spey fishing, targeting Chinook salmon has also recently become hot. These large powerful anadromous fish have always been attractive to fly fishers in areas with strong populations. But with modern spey...

Make White Trim Wraps Like Magic

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Matt Draft’s white trim wraps are one of the coolest fly rod building tricks I’ve ever seen. Making white trim wraps in traditional silk thread is a little like catching a unicorn. Doing it at all is a good trick, but making it as easy...

Seeing the Fish: Tips on how to focus and see more fish 

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By Owen Plair Sight fishing is by far the most exciting and exhilarating way to target fish with a fly. Whether you’re combing the flats looking for cruising bonefish or walking a river looking for that big Brown sipping on the surface, sight fishing brings out that...