This week’s Saturday Shoutout goes to Buster Wants to Fish, for Bruce Smithhammer’s emotionally charged blog letter to the IFTD.
Smithhammer vs. IFTD
This letter written by Bruce Smithhammer dictates from a retailers perspective why more and more retailers aren’t attending the annual IFTD show. Time of year, new product introductory timing, and demonstrating legitimate ROI are the main points of debate. It’s worth a quick read and makes a lot of sense. I’m hoping there will be a follow up post on Buster Wants to Fish, with IFTD’s reply. Bruce calls them out on multiple levels with powerful uppercuts and constant jabs that hit hard, and it looks like all of them are legitimate points based on smart retail business.
Keep it Reel,
Kent Klewein Gink & Gasoline Sign Up For Our Weekly Newsletter!
Buster usually has some interesting and on target thoughts if you give him half a chance.
After reviewing busters comments…a question…does the show move around on an annual basis? Is it always the same time and place?
The last few IFTD shows have been in different cities. The time of year has not changed much.
As a lifetime member of the trappers association, we hold our shows…national, state, and local during our summer(off) season. Makes sense to me…but who the hell am I?
I had you tagged to not have any beef with this guy. I can’t say I agree 100% with everything but he took the time to write clearly and organized, and he feel passionate about the subject. Maybe we’ll see a follow up from a representarive with the IFTD/AFFTA.