Baby Tarpon, Little Monsters

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Tarpon are the king of Sport fish, even when they're only ten pounds. Standing on the bow of a flats boat at dawn, looking into a perfectly symmetrical sunrise reflecting on the glass-calm water, I can't think of anywhere I'd rather be. When a pair of...

11 Tips for Spotting Tarpon

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HOW DOES A SIX FOOT LONG FISH VANISH? It's hard to imagine, but they do. Even big schools of tarpon can sneak up on you with surprising regularity. Tarpon fishing is a game of strategy and the earlier you see the fish, the better your chances...

Focus and Determination Make It Happen

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WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU STARTED YOUR DAY WITH A KICK IN THE NUTS? That's exactly what happened to Mike Pyle the other day. For those of you who haven't been following, I'll give you a little background. Mike Pyle is a professional UFC fighter,...

Don’t Be Like This Guy

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I hope this is so obvious it needs no explanation. There we are staked up waiting for migrating tarpon when this guy rolls up, jig at the ready. I’m sure he thought we were on fish. His kids huddled down in the floor of the boat...

Tarpon, It’s All About Letting Go

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ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS LET GO. The step is about three inches wide by ten inches long. Really only big enough for the ball of one foot. There's not enough head room to stand straight, not even close. It would be an uncomfortable place...