Tag Archives: Jeff Hickman
Fight Big Fish with the Butt Section of the Fly Rod Not the Tip
If you fly fish long enough and pay your dues, it's just a matter of time until you hook into a giant fish and experience defeat. I've always loved the saying, "It's always the big ones that get away", like it provides anglers a viable excuse...
A Little Chrome Tail
There's nothing like a little chrome tail to start this day! What a beautiful bright steelhead courtesy of my buddy Jeff Hickman. The bright chrome strips in the tail tell the story. This is a fresh fish, straight from the salt. ...
Spey Casting With The Non-Dominant Hand on Top
By Jeff Hickman SOMETIMES YOU LEARN SOMETHING VALUABLE COMPLEETLY BY ACCIDENT. Last Summer I was on the phone with a good friend and regular client catching up. He was bummed to not be able to fish during his favorite Fall season due to a major shoulder surgery...
By Jeff Hickman THE MOST COMMON FISHING PROBLEM I SEE AMONG SPEY FISHERS WHO CAN CAST WELL IS OVER CASTING. I refer to this plague as Speyitis. Just because you can cast all the way across the river doesn't mean that you should all the time. I...
Spey Casting Diagnostics Checklist
By Jeff Hickman SPEY CASTING IS A PROCESS REQUIRING SEVERAL STEPS TO BE FULLY COMPLETED IN A SEQUENCE. To effectively and consistently make good spey casts you need to focus on these steps, especially when learning. But even veteran and advanced two-handed casters also need to focus...