Small Wonder, Middle Georgia’s Shoal Bass

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By Justin Pickett THE SETTING SUN IS WARM AT MY BACK AS I STAND AT THE REAR OF MY JEEP. I slip on my guard socks and wrench down on my boots until I’m happy with the fit. No need for waders today. The deep south humidity...

Yellowhammers and Specks

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"I thought you might like these," my brother Tom holds out an old yellowed envelope. "I found them going through some of Pete's things." William Starling Cahill, who preferred to be called Pete, was my Grandfather and the man who taught me to fly fish. He's...

Don’t Underestimate The Little Guys

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It’s bluegill time again. Warmer temps, blooming flowers, and the buzzing sound of lawn mowers. Crazy, diehard bass anglers are trailering their $30,000 boats with their $50,000 trucks, and running 70mph across every lake in the country in order to chase after their favorite little green...

Assault on Omaha Beach, a Study in Finding Carp

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How to locate carp on new water, that are accessible to a flyrodder. I’ve been banging around ideas in my head for how to write a piece describing the best way to locate carp. Frankly, I've been struggling a little bit. The problem is, I can...

A Truck Vault Can Make Your Truck The Bat-Mobile of Fly Fishing

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IT'S HUMAN NATURE, I SUPPOSE, TO ADMIRE IN OTHERS WHAT YOU LACK YOURSELF. As I look at the chaotic pile of fly rods, reels and fly boxes in the corner of my office, I am not at all surprised that one of the things I admire...