Lock your forceps

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By Dan Frasier For all you flats guys and bank fishermen out there. Landing, unhooking, wrangling, getting a picture, and releasing a fish can all turn into a giant goat rodeo. Nothing makes it worse than having a bare hook connected to a nearly invisible line which...

Saturday Shoutout / Thinking One Through

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Here’s a video every trout angler will want to see. There’s nothing more fun than sight fishing to trout. Beyond being enjoyable and visually rewarding, it’s also how you will catch your biggest fish. Sight fishing allows you to target quality fish and make informed presentations....

If It Looks Offensive, Fish It!

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By Justin Pickett Does a trout fly have to "be something?" I was once approached by a man on a local stream after I had brought a nice male Rainbow Trout to the net, and immediately he asked the age old question, “What'd he eat?” I removed...

Weight is Great

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Lot's of days, more weight means more fish. I've hesitated to write on this topic because it seems so elementary. Sort of a fly fishing truism but I've been encouraged lately after reminding several of my friends who are highly experienced anglers of this simple fact....