Sunday Classic / The “Shake and Bake” Method of Fly Dressing

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Will Sands shows me how he dresses his fly. "it's like frying chicken" he tells me. I love that, the guy from Colorado telling the boy from Georgia about frying chicken. I'll admit that I was skeptical at first but Will's "Shake and Bake" method really...

Sunday Classic / Fast Pocket Water & Big Attractor Dry Flies

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DURING THE SPRING, SUMMER AND FALL I OFTEN GET THE ITCH. To forget about catching numbers and instead see how big of an attractor dry fly I can get away with fishing and still fool trout. For those of you who don't know, my closest...

Covering a Hatch Starts with Carrying the Right Flies

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By Kent Klewein Have you ever been standing in the river watching a big hatch unfolding with rising fish all around you, but for some reason you can't get the feeding fish to eat your flies? Covering and owning a hatch starts with you first carrying the...

Sunday Classic / Keep Your Rod Tip Off the Water for Longer Drag-Free Drifts

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Are you finding yourself struggling to get long drag-free drifts on the water? If the answer is yes, you may be holding your rod tip too close to the water during your drifts. When your rod tip is positioned too low, you're putting unnecessary fly line...

Sunday’s Classic / Bugs, Bugs Everywhere, And Not A Fish To Be Seen

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BUGS, BUGS EVERYWHERE, AND NOT A FISH TO BE SEEN Have you ever thrown a party, sent out the invitations, bought the onion dip, and in the end it's just you and your onion dip? Now imagine the river is the party, the bugs are the...