Dean River Chinook

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By Jeff Hickman IT'S TIME FOR THE BIG BOYS. With the rapidly increasing popularity of Spey fishing, targeting Chinook salmon has also recently become hot. These large powerful anadromous fish have always been attractive to fly fishers in areas with strong populations. But with modern spey...

Sunday Classic / Crazy Water on the Dean

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THIS VIDEO IS FROM A TRIP SEVERAL YEARS AGO. I recently saw a very different Dean River. The river was as low as I've ever seen it at the end of this June. The fishing was still great and you will be reading more about that...

Careful What You Ask For

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All fish are not created equal. It's funny how what we want out of fly fishing changes over the years. We've all heard the story, I want to catch a fish, I want to catch a lot of fish, I want to catch a big fish......

Saturday Shoutout / A Dog Named Kalik

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THIS WEEK'S SHOUTOUT IS NEAR TO MY HEART. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a sucker for dogs, especially Bahamian Potcakes. They also likely know that my two favorite place to fish are South Andros and The Dean River in B.C. What everyone doesn't know...

Summer Is Coming

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THE RIVERS MAY BE MUD, BUT I CAN SMELL IT IN THE AIR. You might even be getting in a little late season skiing the way this year has been, but it's right around the corner. Here in Georgia we're already fishing terrestrials, it's almost here....