Sunday’s Classic / 6 Saltwater Fly Patterns You Should Stock

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6 Saltwater Fly Patterns You Should Stock Before Hitting The Flats

Are you new to the saltwater flats game?

If you’re like most fly fisherman you’re confident in your trout game and fly pattern competency. But when it comes to your saltwater game, you probably find yourself a little less unsure of what saltwater patterns you should stock. Capt. Joel Dickey is a veteran Florida Keys fishing guide, and he’s laid out six must have saltwater fly patterns you should load up on, before stepping onto the skiff and hitting the flats. Take these six fly patterns and tie them up in different color variations, size, and weight to round out your saltwater fly box.

Keep it Reel,

Kent Klewein
Gink & Gasoline
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2 thoughts on “Sunday’s Classic / 6 Saltwater Fly Patterns You Should Stock

  1. No argument from me on this selection. Here in Georgia, where redfish are the flyfishers fish of choice, I fish the Merkin crab almost exclusively in the marsh to tailing reds. The Clouser is good in deeper water and I tie the Toad on size 4 and 6 hooks for reds as well. In the winter months I tie up some black bunny flies for murky water on the mud flats.

  2. I would also take some Charlie style flies wtithout eyes or with plastic eyes for shallow water and/or spooky fish.I also tie my tarpon bunnies with owner mutu light circle hooks or the equivalent. my hookup ratio on tarpon got much better as soon as I started tying with these hooks. you just keep stripping the fly instead of setting the hook with your rod. the flies also run straight even though the hook point is offset quite a bit. I’m tying baitfish pattern with these hooks now too.

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