Saturday Shoutout / Streamer Giveaway!

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If you are any kind of self-respecting streamer addict, then you know Brian Wise of Fly Fishing the Ozarks.

Brian consistently drops high quality streamer tying vids backed up by delicious techno-mixed tracks for your viewing pleasure. He typically ties up three or four examples of each pattern that he showcases, and one could only assume that they end up in his meat locker to one day become the victim of a White River shark attack. Until now anyways…

From now on, or at least until his streamer box starts looking thin, Brian will be giving away the flies that are tied for each video that he produces. All you have to do is go to his YouTube channel, which you’re going to do anyways because you want to watch his latest awesome video, and then give Brian some feedback in the “comments” section. That’s it! After the video has been up for thirty days, Brian will randomly draw a winner from those who commented on the video and ship his newest spin-ups straight to your door! Who doesn’t want free flies?!?! Go check out his latest video HERE and be sure to comment so you’re entered in the giveaway! 

Nacho Heredero’s B.I.L.

Justin Pickett
Gink & Gasoline
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10 thoughts on “Saturday Shoutout / Streamer Giveaway!

  1. I just started tying flies and I’m really enjoying it and it was very enjoyable to watch you put that fly together that takes a lot of time and effort way to go

  2. The test chamber is amazing and I’d love if I (or my local fly shop had one)! Can you imagine what an advantage and how much fun it would be to test out all your ties?!? I’d be on the river, vise or in front of that thing.
    Great vid and streamer…


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