Scott’s new mid-price offering, The Wave, is not what I expected.
Jim Bartschi sent me a seven weight wave a couple of months ago, just before I headed to Belize for five days. He didn’t tell me anything about it, which is typical for Jim. I assume he wants me to come to my own conclusions about a rod without his opinion, which I appreciate. I took the rod out and cast it in the from yard for a bit.
“It’s a little soon to be replacing the Sector,” I thought, “but OK.”
I took the rod to Belize and was into fish on my second cast. The weather was awful and pretty windy for a seven weight but the Wave really delivered. It cut through the wind, delivered flies with remarkable accuracy and and finesse. I was impressed. Not ready to give up my Sector but I immediately loved this little rod. When I got home, I called Jim up to talk about the trip and was shocked to learn that the Wave is not replacing the Sector.
It’s replacing the Tidal!
I should have guessed from the name but the Wave, in no way, feels like a mid-priced fly rod. The weight, the tracking, the recovery rate all feel like a premium rod. Since the Radian, Scott fly rods have had a unique feel that sets them apart. Not that I didn’t lone my S4s but the contemporary Scott rods are truly next level. I did not get that feel from the Tidal but the Wave has it in spades.
Once I got the rod home, frankly, I couldn’t stop fishing it. Since I’m stuck with fresh water here, I started using it for streamers and bass fishing. I was thrilled with hoe it preformed. The Wave is one of the most versatile rods I’ve fished in a while and is just what I needed in a seven weight. If you’re I’m the market for a fly rod with a lot secret tricks up its sleeve, get out to the fly shop and cast a Wave. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
Watch the video to hear my thoughts and see the Scott Wave in action.
Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
Louis, I enjoy G&G, and like your equipment reviews. Back in 2018, you reviewed the Stickman T7 and raved about it. The Wave is considerably newer, but they are both at about the same price point now. Can you compare the two, strengths and weaknesses, etc.
The T7 is a great rod but materials are older technology than the Wave. I would say the Wave is more versatile and powerful. I’m in the Bahama for the Bonefish School this month and have been fishing the Wave a lot. It continues to impress me. One of the best fly rods I’ve ever fished.