Saturday Shoutout / The Leader Man

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Photo by Louis Cahill

Photo by Louis Cahill

Understanding how leaders function, and how to tie them, leads to successful fly fishing.

The leader is possibly the most important part of your fly fishing tackle. It is, after all, the part of the set up closest to the fish and the part that makes the actual presentation. If you believe, as i do, that presentation is the single most important factor in fly fishing, then you have to recognize the importance of the leader.

Still, many anglers don’t fully understand how their leaders work in the system and simply buy a tapered leader with the picture of the fish they’d like to catch on the package. In reality, you can always tie a leader that will function better than pre-made tapered leaders. Once you understand how leaders work, a world of versatile options is at your finger tips.

I will follow up soon with a more in-depth article on understanding leaders, but for now, here are three great videos from the guy who taught me, Bruce Chard. In these videos Bruce shows you how he ties leaders for bonefish, permit and tarpon. He also covers some of the fundamentals you need to understand to tie leaders that work with your fly line.

Some wisdom from the Leader man.


Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline 
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One thought on “Saturday Shoutout / The Leader Man

  1. Great videos, I use J Knots to construct tarpon, tuna, marlin leaders, stronger then just about any other line to line connection.

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