Keep Your Leash Out of Trouble and Catch More Fish: Video

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By Louis Cahill

Effective saltwater fly fishing is all about maximizing your opportunities to catch fish.

Saltwater fly fishing is usually not about numbers. You spend a lot of time hunting fish and waiting to get a shot. When you get that shot, it’s heartbreaking to miss it over something simple and totally avoidable, like having your fly line snag on a cleat or be trapped under the boat.

Being mindful of the condition of your leash is a full time job. Anyone who fishes with me can tell you that I compulsively check my leash. Often with a simple flick or the rod tip, checking for resistance while my eyes scan the flat. I try to always be aware of the direction of the current and the wind so I know instinctively what my leash id doing, both in the air and in the water. When it’s time to make a shot, I’m ready to make it count.

Watch the video and I’ll show you how too manage your leash.

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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