How To Unsnag A Fly

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Every fly fisher gets snagged up once in a while.

It’s part of the game. If you aren’t fishing to structure, you aren’t fishing to fish. This is never more true than when streamer fishing. You’re constantly snagging logs and if you row over to get your fly, you’re spoiling a lot of good fishing spots where you could have hooked that big boy.

Most times it’s pretty easy to recover a stuck fly without ruining the spot. It’s a skill that challenges many new anglers. All you have to do is keep your wits about you and fish smart.

Watch this video and learn how to clear a snagged fly.

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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11 thoughts on “How To Unsnag A Fly

  1. Carry a large red and white bobber, and clip it to the line so it slides when you hang up.
    Then. Let the current carry it below or beyond the fly and give a sharp pull on the bobber.
    Now the line is pulling from behind the fly thanks to the bobber – and may likely pull loose.

    Same idea

    • You can do this without the bobber. Let the current carry your fly line downstream beyond the fly, then with rod tip low to the water (to keep the fly line in the water) sweep your rod upstream. The water tension on the fly line will transfer your sweep into a downstream pull on the line at the spot where you’re hung up.

  2. With a sink tip it will work the same way just takes more time. If you can roll cast over the target and let current swing your line away from you. Harder to do with longer sink tips but it usually will work 30ft from the fly and save the rower some work and time.

  3. Great info. Used it a bunch of times this week and it does work way better than my typical tugging and pulling at different angles and them the Five Stage of Grief before I finally just break it off. Thanks

  4. Skip the bobber but use the same technique – let the current carry your line below the fly. Let your line belly in the current below the hangup. Then sweep your rod upstream with the tip low to the water (to keep the fly line in the water). The water tension on the fly line will translate into a downstream pull on the fly at the hangup. Usually gets your fly free.

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