By Louis Cahill
Rounding the corner is one of the most common problems in Spey casting.
Anglers who are learning to spey cast will often rush the casting stroke. They will start forward with the rod without finishing their sweep. By rounding the corner at the end of the sweep they introduce a curve into their casting stroke and, of course, into their cast. The result is that the line does not land straight, which makes getting a good swing much harder. When spey casting, straight is better than long.
The solution to this problem can be hard to visualize. Since rounding the corner happens behind the caster, it’s hard to see what’s going on and focusing your mental energy on something you can’t see is challenging. Fortunately, there is a simple visual cue right out in front of you. The butt of the rod.
When casting you can simply point the butt of the rod at your target before coming forward with the casting stroke. By doing this, you insure that your rod is lined up for a nice straight casting stroke before you apply power to the cast.
This way your line will land nice and straight. Your cast will be more accurate and your swing will be buttery soft. Think of the rod butt as the sight you use to aim that two-hand cannon and the corner will take care of itself.
Louis Cahill Gink & Gasoline
Best thing I’ve read for a long time. Thanks!
Louis great advise. Another common fault is pulling ones anchor. This happens when one cuts the corner. Hooking, or rounding the corner often occurs when one over rotates by pulling the rod around with the top hand. As you suggest direct the butt of the rod to the anchor. At the completion of the d loop, slightly circle up and pull to the target, stop the rod. The amount one circles up is driven by the amount of line one is carrying. Circling up is a style, some people pause and wait for the line. Regardless direct the line to the anchor. Try not to over rotate and swing less with the top hand.