Bonefishing: Getting Ready to Fish: Video

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By Louis Cahill

Effective bone fishing is about making a clean shot every time.

You can’t do that unless you are methodical about the details. I can tell you, almost to an angler, who is going to catch fish and who isn’t. just by watching them get ready to fish. The preparations you make when you step onto the bow, more than anything else, will dictate your success, or failure. It’s worth taking the time to get it right, every time.

In this video I show you how I get ready to catch a bonefish.

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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2 thoughts on “Bonefishing: Getting Ready to Fish: Video

  1. Great information Louis….It does make the difference of catching fish or not…. I might add another suggestion or two… Make sure no shoes, tackle bags or anything else is where you’re line can get snagged….Also, if your fishing with a buddy, glance back occasionally and be sure he’s not accidentally stepping on your line… Love getting G&G and hope the eye situation is improving…

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