More Eye Surgery News.

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By Louis Cahill

Well, here we go again.

I apologize for being a little self involved lately. I have posted updates because it’s the best way I have of letting friends and G&G readers know what’s up. Please bare with me. If you are not up to speed, three months ago I had surgery to repair a detached retina in my right eye. The recovery was long and complicated by scar tissue that formed under my retina, threatening to tear it loose once again.

Unfortunately, that is exactly what happened. In spite of a great deal of caution and eleven weeks in bed, my retina tore in multiple places last Sunday. As of now, I am totally blind in my right eye. I am scheduled for surgery on Tuesday, and doctors will try to put things back together. The odds of success are not great but it’s worth a try. Hopefully they will be able to salvage something.

I’m sure this is not the news any of us were hoping for. It will mean that for the immediate future Gink and Gasoline will continue to recycle some classic content. We have been working on the selection process and there are some of my all-time favorites coming up, so I hope you will all enjoy it. I apologize for the inconvenience and that this is taking so long.

G&G will still be represented at IFTD this year. Justin Pickett and probably a few others will be doing interviews and there will be new gear videos to enjoy. We are working on some fresh content up as well. The back end of the site is complicated, and unfortunately, I am the only one who knows which buttons to push. Hopefully I’ll be able to bring someone else up to speed before long.

I appreciate all of your support and well wishes! I know this sounds awful, and plenty of it is, but I will survive this and be back in action. I have a couple of friends who catch plenty of bonefish with one eye. This is just a little speed bump, and maybe a reminder that I sometimes take on a little too much. I am certainly learning to slow down. LOL! Way down.

You will not hear from me for a while, but stay tuned here at G&G. Theres lots of great stories, articles and videos coming up. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your continued support. It means more than you can know.


Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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31 thoughts on “More Eye Surgery News.

  1. Louis, so sorry to hear of the setback. You are a great contributor to the sport and a valuable resource for so many of us. You are also obviously a great human being. Wishing you the best in your future.

  2. All the best to you Louis. We love Gink and Gasoline and are looking forward to the day that the trials you are currently experiencing are all in the past. Get well soon.

  3. Pulling for you all the way, Louis. Continued prayers and best wishes for your full recovery. Also anything I can do to help just holler.

  4. Louis:
    Last January you promised to fish with me next trip. I fully expect you to be at January. I promise to try to outfish you,,f I can. Seriously, get well and bring it on.

  5. I posted to all of my FB friends to throw some positive Mojo your way Louis. Personally speaking, I wish you all the best. Positive thinking brings positive things. There are energies around us that influence our lives and having asked my FB friends to throw some positive thoughts your way, well it isn’t much, but it’s all I can do for you. We’ve never met or even spoken in any form, yet I feel a great deal of empathy for you and will ask our Creator to watch over you.

  6. Best of luck to you! I hope everything goes well and you can see bonefish with both eyes. You have the best attitude and in life, a positive attitude brings success (and good fortune).

  7. You’re not self involved at all, IMO.

    You’re sharing an experience that we can all benefit from, it we’re reflective at all, and one that people going through things similar to what you’re enduring will benefit tremendously from.

    Keep up the good work, and keep us posted as much as you can.

  8. Louis I’m very sorry to learn things took a turn for the worse. Know that here are many of us thinking about you every day and pulling for the best outcome possible. One way or another we’ll see you back on the water!

  9. If your Vitreoretinal Surgeon is as good as mine you will be seeing again. Hang in there and do everything the man tells you.

    Rerunning articles is OK by me as I have a good look at all of the comments as well. Cheers

  10. Sorry to hear about your eye problem. But one of the best fly tiers and wing shots I ever knew only had one eye, (lost the other playing hockey). So not all is lost. Keep the faith.

  11. Wishing you the best of luck. I enjoy your blog and it’s been particularly welcome reading during the last few months of my own detachment recovery. The good news is that we live in an age where surgeries provide genuine hope for regaining some of our sight when these things happen.
    Bob A.

  12. Louis, so sorry to hear of your eye problems, but as Hank Jr., “The Living Proof,” sang, “a Country Boy can survive!” I wish you full, swift recovery and if you don’t write another damn word, as long as you and your wife are happy and you can fish, we good.
    Your pal from “Yankee Land,”

    __Jack Varley

  13. Man. Really sorry to hear it. Wishing your surgeon nimble fingers on the next attempt. Stay strong this stuff must be really tough on the psyche. Youll come out of this ok regardless. Much love and support to you and yours from California.

  14. Louis, we’re with you, so hang in there. I hope and pray the next surgery goes well (as do all your friends and readers! ). Keep the faith, man!

  15. Prayers for a speedy recovery. A good friend had the surgery, he called it 3 needles in the eye. He may have opted for none had he known what was coming, but don’t lose hope, his was successful. Hopefully yours will be to, keep a positive outlook, it helps.

  16. Hang in there. I’ve got scar tissue on the macula of my retina, and while it’s less than ideal, it’s not the end of the world. Wishing you a successful outcome!

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