Sunday Classic / Pack Your Gear in Half The Space

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Orvis Safe Passage Carry-It-All Rod and Gear Case Review. Photo By: Louis Cahill

Terminal Fishing Packing Checklist

  • Fly Rods & Tubes
  • Fly Reels
  • Leaders & Tippet
  • Fly Floatant
  • Split-Shot
  • Nail-Knot Tool

This list goes on and on with what I need to pack for my guide trips and fly fishing travels. It’s astonishing how much room all this gear takes up in your vehicle once you’ve packed it all in, and the list above is only a partial list of what I need for my days out on the water. I still need waders, boots, fishing packs, net, camera, and enough room to transport my clients. Anyway I looked at it, I was in desperate need of finding a better way to organize all my gear. It was taking far too long for me to strategically load and unload my truck every day.

Recently, I ran across and purchased the Orvis Safe Passage, Carry-It-All Rod and Gear Case, and it’s completely blown me away with it’s ability to safely store an insane amount of gear in half the space. Everything I need is right at my finger tips and that keeps me organized and saves me a ton of time rigging up. From one fellow guide to another, since I’ve started using this gear case, I’ve no longer found myself turning around and heading back to the cabin for a critical piece of gear I forgot to pack. Below is a break down of what the Orvis Carry-It-All gear case can handle and I why I love it.

No more Fly Rod Tubes

I know longer lug around multiple fly rods in their metal tubes on a daily basis anymore. They’re difficult to manage in transit and end up rolling around in my vehicle all the way to the river. With this gear case I leave the tubes at home and can safely stow up to six fly rods in their socks with no problems. I love that at the drop of a hat, I can quickly outfit four clients with fly rods for the day, and still have plenty of room to carry two back up rods in case we encounter any foul play during our fishing. Orvis sells two different sizes in this Safe Passage gear case series. I opted to purchase the large size for the extra room, but mostly because it can accommodate up to 11′ rods. That’s a nice feature most rod cases can’t offer, and that’s a plus since I’ve been known to break out switch rods for my big water fishing. Just relocate one velcro divider and you’re ready to load up the long rods.

Keep Your Reels with Your Rods

I used to have a separate reel bag that I toted around with all my fly reels. The need to have both left and right hand retrieve reels on hand is a must for guiding, but even more importantly I usually like to carry a couple larger reels with intermediate and sinking lines in case I get advanced fly fishermen that want to pound the banks with streamers. I can easily pack 4-6 fly reels in this case if I need to, and that was a big selling point for me.

While Your At it You Might as well Throw everything else in there.

So we’ve got a boat load of rods and reels packed up in the case but we still have plenty of room for other gear. What else should you pack? I tell you what I do, I take it a step further by packing a generous stash of leaders and tippet, extra split-shot and fly floatant. Next, I make sure to fill the rest of the case up with fly boxes I must have for the day. Take a close look at the photo at the top of the post and you’ll see I’ve stowed away two large C&F fly boxes, as well as, two other smaller fly boxes. Right there I’ve got at least 200-300 flies that should handle just about any situation I encounter on the water. Seriously, don’t waste your time looking for other product alternatives, this gear case has it all and then some.

Orvis Safe Passage Carry-It-All Gear Review Results

I’ll proudly be showing off this gear case to all my clients and friends, and I’m positive it will serve me well for many years to come. Plain and simple, this product allows me to do my job better. It keeps me organized, saves me a ton of space, and allows me to rig up quicker than ever before. I absolutely couldn’t be happier with the quality and functionality of the Orvis Safe Passage Carry-It-All Rod and Gear Case. It retails between $149.00-169.00 and I would highly recommend it for anyone looking for a “Holds Everything” gear bag that’s suitable for airline travel. When I run across a product that blows my socks off, I feel it’s my duty to spread the word, and this gear case did just that. Let us know your reviews on this product if you have one. It’s great to here opinions from other anglers.

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Keep it Reel,

Kent Klewein
Gink & Gasoline
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4 thoughts on “Sunday Classic / Pack Your Gear in Half The Space

  1. Louis assume you can just place Safe Passage beside your seat on the airplane. Maybe can stuff in the upper storage against back. I use to carry rod tubes on board so assume they will allow.

    • I’ve got the Fishpond version of this case, and it’s my go to for Bahamas bonefish. Three rods, three reels, leaders, tippet, fly boxes and so on. It fits in the overhead compartments for carry on, even on small planes ( at least the case for 4 piece 9 footers does ). TSA doesn’t get as spooked by it as they can by metal rod tubes. Don’t put your tools like pliers in it as they might not let you carry it on. Best of all, if they lose your luggage you’ve still got the stuff you need for fishing (except your flats boots).

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