New Leader and Tippet Material From Umpqua: Video

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New nylon, fluorocarbon and fluorocarbon ultra material from Umpqua sports hidden tech.

Can fish see your leader? This new leader and tippet material has up to 5 different coatings to make it less visible in the water. Updated materials promise better knot strength and a handy size guide helps you choose the right tippet for your fly.

Check out the video for all of the details.

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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4 thoughts on “New Leader and Tippet Material From Umpqua: Video

  1. Good info. Are my eyes going blurry all throughout your video or is it a problem with your camera man. Also I hate to say but I find your interviewer very awkward.

    • The image quality is probably an issue with your internet signal. The video is sharp. Unfortunately, I was not able to be at IFTD this year because of emergency surgery. Justin got thrown in last minute and I think he did a great job for his first time on short notice. I think he deserves your support.

    • No its the camera going out of focus some times so your eyes are fine lol. Also I think the guy interviewing is just new to the job so cut the guy some slack he’ll get better with time and expierience.

  2. Pingback: New Leader and Tippet from Umpqua | MidCurrent

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