Looking Good With Fish On

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Fish On Energy delivers cool designs and quality materials in Fly Fishing apparel.

I met these guys about 2 years ago when they were just getting into the apparel game. They weren’t really product designers, just fishy guys with an eye for what’s cool. They had a couple of cool T-shirts and hats and a great attitude. Two years later, the product line has expanded, and the designs have evolved. Now there’s cool apparel for on and off the water. Pretty cool stuff from Fish On.

Watch this video to see new designs and technical wear from Fish On Energy.

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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2 thoughts on “Looking Good With Fish On

  1. Interesting that hanging around West Yellowstone fly shops, Yellowstone Park, and the Madison River all summer for 16 years, I just don’t see any of these cool, awesome, dude-compatible clothes. What I do see is a lot of fishing shirts (lots of pockets and loops, muted colors without camo coloration, and the obligatory flap across the back) on folks who look like they just fell down the nearest steep river bank, but still have a smile on their face. Enjoy.

    • I don’t know either. Just here in Atlanta we have wild brown trout over 30 inches, striped bass up to 50 pounds in the river, large mouth bass, shoal bass, amazing carp fishing and first class saltwater action in driving distance. Maybe West Yellowstone isn’t the whole fly fishing world?

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