Why Gink And Gasoline?

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Photo by Louis Cahill

By Louis Cahill

I get that question all the time, it’s time I answered it.

When my buddy Kent and I started Gink and Gasoline we were driving all   over the country chasing fish on the fly. Things were simpler then and a hell of a lot of fun. We were living out of my Subaru Forester, and sometimes a U-Haul, packed to the gils with camping and fishing gear. and about 200 CDs. One of those CDs was “Dirt Track Date” by the band Southern Culture on the Skids, who come from Chapel Hill, NC. Just down the road from where I grew up. They just sound like home to me and I wore that CD out.

One of my favorite songs on that record is “Fried Chicken and Gasoline.” It’s about being on the road for so long everything smells like fried chicken and gasoline. That song really captured what were doing, except the fundamental components of our enterprise were Gink and Gasoline. The name stuck.

We didn’t know it at the time but Dave Grossman and Steve Seinberg must have been listening to the same record when they came up with Southern Culture on the Fly. The two sites launched about the same time. The four of us became great friends. I don’t think Southern Culture on the Skids has any idea how influential they were in fly fishing.

The Subaru is gone, and so is Kent, but the name still captures the feeling of the site. The territory is a lot bigger, and there’s a healthy dose of jet fuel in there too, but we’re still chasing fish on the fly and sometimes we’re catching them.

Here’s Southern Culture on the Skids playing “Fried Chicken and Gasoline.”

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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5 thoughts on “Why Gink And Gasoline?

  1. Great music to start off the morning! And, Carolina Clay. That should be the name of another band, or perhaps a new fly pattern.,

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