It Ain’t Much But It’s A Lot

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By Louis Cahill

This little fish is a big deal to me.

Here’s something I haven’t said in quite a while. I went fishing this weekend. That’s right, for the first time since my bonefish trip in June I picked up a fly rod and fished. It wasn’t anything to write your mother about. A buddy took me to his private pond and I sat on a boat for a couple of hours and caught crappy and a couple of bass. The one in the photo was easily the smallest but it was my first fish since my surgery and that makes him huge.

I had not verbalized it but I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to do it. I’m still very week and have no balance. My vision is a mess and hitting myself with the fly could have serious consequences. I was also simply out of practice. Fortunately, all the worry was for nothing. The hardest part was getting in and out of the boat but I stayed dry and I caught fish.

I do have quite a bit of work to do. My cast is pretty good, with a nice clean loop, out to about sixty feet. After that, it falls apart pretty quickly. I’m not spotting any fish, that’s for sure but my buddy Peter Crowe at Smith Optics is working on some glasses to get my left eye working at it’s best. That should make a big difference.

I feel bad writing so much about myself lately. Honestly, my world has been pretty small lately. There is some good stuff on the way though. In the mean time, I’ll give you a fishing tip for catching small crappy on cold windy days. Try a Woolly Bugger. They can’t resist it!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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15 thoughts on “It Ain’t Much But It’s A Lot

  1. Keep writing about yourself and keep giving us updates. People will always will be more important than content. You’ve build a tremendous community here and regrowth is awesome to see and hear about…lots of us rooting for your continued growth and progress in your rehab.

    • Thanks Jay, I’m very proud of the G&G community. I don’t take credit for it, I’m just proud to be part of it. I built the site, but you folks make it awesome!

      I should apologize to all of you who have emailed me with your support. The computer remains very challenging for me. I have over 50,000 unread email in my inbox. So many I will never see and I know many of them are from readers. Please forgive me my shortcomings. Thanks.

  2. “… a nice clean loop, out to about sixty feet. After that, it falls apart pretty quickly.”

    That made me laugh, Louis. Many anglers mess up WELL before 60 feet – and that’s with both eyes in working order.

    90% of my time is spent chasing trout, but I have no qualms spending time on crappy or bass (or whatever happens to be swimming my way at the moment), so it’s nice to read that you appreciated bringing in that ten-pounder (plus or minus) in the photo.

    God bless and speedy recovery.


  3. If you didn’t have to have the buckle to stop the tearing you are doing great. Don’t go to hard to fast and blow what the doctor has done for you. Glad to hear you are out and about. Take it like a mouse eating an elephant, one bit at a time. Great job listening to your doctor and your wife.

      • No it’s not. And when they said the third distortion is not correctable because it’s at an angle. So now I see everything at a 12 degree tilt in my right eye. The worst is driving at night when the center line looks like it’s coming over the hood of my truck. I’ve gotten used to it and I even sometimes forget it’s there. I’m so glad you have lots of professional support.

  4. Great – and inspirational – post, thanks.

    Don’t worry about “writing about yourself”, you’re not complaining, you’re writing about how you’re choosing to move forward…that’s good stuff.

    Keep up the good work!

  5. After such a long ordeal, a fly rod in your hand with a wooly bugger on the tippet must have been a wonderful feeling. Best wishes.

    Bill Love
    Sandpoint, Idaho

  6. I’m glad to hear that you’re making progress. So many of the activities I enjoy require basic abilities (eyesight, walking, etc.) that any degradation is worrisome. Best wishes for your continued recovery.

  7. It’s great to read you’re back on the water, Louis! Wishing you a speedy recovery. Sounds like you are wisely taking it step-by-step. There are lots of us pulling for you.

  8. Remember that fishing will help your recovery. I had some surgery last year, it was hard to adjust back to life and work , let alone the water. I feel that fly fishing helped me recover. Believe in yourself and take small steps forward. Looks like you are on your way. I will say a prayer for you. Keep casting!

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