Sunday Classic / Georgia Man Catches Trout On Car Key, But Why?

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Why in the hell would you fish that? I’m glad you asked. To prove a point. For some reason this year I have run into more anglers with attitude than usual. Ranging from the dry fly purest who think they walk on the water rather...

The Belgian Cast

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Learn the Belgian cast and rule the wind. You know that feeling you get when you watch a school of bonefish swim away while you squirm and wrench your arm out of socket trying to get your fly out of your back? Yeah, me too. Casting...

Saturday’s Shoutout / Tie One On Athon & Fly Tying w/ Davie McPhail

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This weeks Saturday Shoutout goes to S.C.O.F’s Tie-One-On-Athon for Project Healing waters and a nice stash of 58 fly tying videos by Davy McPhail. Tying for a good cause on Feb. 26, 2012. If you live within driving distance to this event we highly...

Sunday Classic / Johnny’s Shark

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A perfect cast right on the big shark’s nose gets nothing but a sniff and a refusal. In a low and stoic voice the guide says, “the fish ain’t gonna eat if he don’t smell blood”. Johnny Spilane gives him a hard look, takes his...

The Freak

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When your looking for that little something extra to motivate that big Bonefish, you may be looking for The Freak. Bruce Chard shows you how to tie this crazy looking but very effective fly. Louis Cahill Gink & Gasoline   Sign Up For...