Spring Fishing on Tributaries for Wild Trout

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Several of our blog followers on numerous occasions have asked Louis and I if we ever catch small trout? Jokingly, they mention, "All we see are trophy size fish in most of the pictures on the blog". I assure you all, we catch plenty of small...

It’s The Little Things

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"I know it when I see it!" Kent and I were doing a presentation at a fly shop the other day and after showing a couple of hundred fishing photos, during the Q&A part of the program, a fellow raised his hand and asked "do you...

Wild Trout, Mushrooms and Perspective

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By Louis Cahill I’m not sure there is such a thing as being lost in the woods. I certainly don’t feel lost as I walk the trail, once an old logging road looking down on a beautiful, tumbling trout stream. I feel much more at home than...

Expressionist Brown

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Study the stream bed, brown and green. Through ripples and reflections, we find rocks and wood, maybe a shining piece of metal someone has left behind. Even the flash of a flake of mica in the sand, no bigger than a fishes scale. How is...

Sunday Classic / Expressionist Brown

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Study the stream bed, brown and green. Through ripples and reflections, we find rocks and wood, maybe a shining piece of metal someone has left behind. Even the flash of a flake of mica in the sand, no bigger than a fishes scale. How is...