Tag Archives: switch rod
Spey Casting Diagnostics Checklist
By Jeff Hickman SPEY CASTING IS A PROCESS REQUIRING SEVERAL STEPS TO BE FULLY COMPLETED IN A SEQUENCE. To effectively and consistently make good spey casts you need to focus on these steps, especially when learning. But even veteran and advanced two-handed casters also need to focus...
Choosing a line for your switch rod Part 3 the RIO Switch and Skagit Short reviewed.
On a couple of steelhead trips last year I wound up fishing with borrowed rods. They were switch rods, a Winston and a Ross, and I had the chance to fish them for both summer and winter steelhead. I really liked the feel of these...
Changing Your Mind About The Off Shoulder Spey Cast
By Louis Cahill Most anglers, myself included, struggle with making a spey cast off their non-dominant side. As a right-handed caster, it has always felt unnatural for me to cast off my left shoulder. It’s almost the two-handed equivalent of casting left handed. Because it feels awkward,...
Sunday Classic / Get A Better Grip On The Spey Rod
ALL FLY CASTING IS ABOUT CONTROL AND TIMING, NOT POWER. This is never more true than in Spey casting. Perhaps because there are more moving parts to a Spey cast, rod and line control are crucial. This is especially challenging for the beginner whose muscle memory...
Spey Casting With The Non-Dominant Hand on Top
By Jeff Hickman SOMETIMES YOU LEARN SOMETHING VALUABLE COMPLEETLY BY ACCIDENT. Last Summer I was on the phone with a good friend and regular client catching up. He was bummed to not be able to fish during his favorite Fall season due to a major shoulder surgery...