Spey Casting Diagnostics Checklist

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By Jeff Hickman SPEY CASTING IS A PROCESS REQUIRING SEVERAL STEPS TO BE FULLY COMPLETED IN A SEQUENCE. To effectively and consistently make good spey casts you need to focus on these steps, especially when learning. But even veteran and advanced two-handed casters also need to focus...

Choosing a line for your switch rod Part 3 the RIO Switch and Skagit Short reviewed.

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On a couple of steelhead trips last year I wound up fishing with borrowed rods. They were switch rods, a Winston and a Ross, and I had the chance to fish them for both summer and winter steelhead. I really liked the feel of these...

Changing Your Mind About The Off Shoulder Spey Cast

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By Louis Cahill Most anglers, myself included, struggle with making a spey cast off their non-dominant side. As a right-handed caster, it has always felt unnatural for me to cast off my left shoulder. It’s almost the two-handed equivalent of casting left handed. Because it feels awkward,...

Sunday Classic / Get A Better Grip On The Spey Rod

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ALL FLY CASTING IS ABOUT CONTROL AND TIMING, NOT POWER. This is never more true than in Spey casting. Perhaps because there are more moving parts to a Spey cast, rod and line control are crucial. This is especially challenging for the beginner whose muscle memory...

Spey Casting With The Non-Dominant Hand on Top

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By Jeff Hickman SOMETIMES YOU LEARN SOMETHING VALUABLE COMPLEETLY BY ACCIDENT. Last Summer I was on the phone with a good friend and regular client catching up. He was bummed to not be able to fish during his favorite Fall season due to a major shoulder surgery...