Saturday Shoutout / The Journal on Andros

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Take a trip to South Andros with the Fly Fish Journal. I ran into these guys at the Congotown airport on their way home. Looks like they had a good week. Watching this video makes me wish I was there now. I'll have to wait until...

South Andros, A Love Story

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By Louis Cahill I LOVE THE BAHAMAS. It hits me about this time every year. Just about the time I start pulling out the polar fleece and looking for my fishing gloves I start thinking about Andros. I love the cold weather, it's not that, it's just...

It’s Time to go bonefishing in the Bahamas with G&G!

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Fish the Bahamas with the Boys from G&G! November 9-15 2014 November 15-11 2014 & March 14-21 2015 That's right, you can get in on the Gink! WE ARE EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE THE THIRD ANNUAL GINK AND GASOLINE FISHING TRIP AT THE ANDROS SOUTH BONEFISH LODGE. This...

Saturday Shoutout / A Dog Named Kalik

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THIS WEEK'S SHOUTOUT IS NEAR TO MY HEART. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a sucker for dogs, especially Bahamian Potcakes. They also likely know that my two favorite place to fish are South Andros and The Dean River in B.C. What everyone doesn't know...

2014 South Andros Trip Wrap Up

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I HATE PUTTING MY SHOES ON. My feet hate it too. After a week, barefoot on South Andros, my feet as well as my spirit have expanded. Neither wants to be put back into confinement. The shoes, however, have to go on and it's my mental...