How To Caych A Trophy Brown Trout

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by Jason Tucker I'll never forget my first brown trout over 20 inches. It was about 1:30 am after a very long float down a tiny stream. It had been a slow night with only a couple half-hearted tugs on our mouse imitations. We got down to...

The Geezer Hatch

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Ever heard the phrase, "the geezer hatch is on?" I've used it myself. It's a common way of saying there are a bunch of old dudes on the water. It's pretty common to hear younger anglers and guides grousing or making jokes about old guys who...

DIY Bonefishing – It’s All About The Short Game

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By Rod Hamilton "I HAVE SEEN MORE THAN ONE FFF CERTIFIED CASTING INSTRUCTOR BROUGHT TO TEARS AFTER HIS TENTH BLOWN SHOT AT UNDER FORTY FEET" Whether you are wading in eighteen inches of water, weaving through the mangroves or doing the Flamingo Slide over a mucky flat,...

Treat your sunglasses as though your vision depends upon them

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YOUR ROD, REEL AND LINE MAY BE THE ONLY PIECES OF GEAR MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR SUNGLASSES. On most days I'd rather have the wrong fly than the wrong glasses. They are not only crucial for sight fishing and reading water but make wading safer and...

Putting Your Rod Tip In The Water Can Be A Game Changer

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EVERYONE WANTS TO CATCH BIG FISH BUT LEARNING TO OUTSMART THEM TAKES SOME DOING. Big fish often hold a PhD in fly selection and presentation, but any experienced angler can tell you that getting them to eat your fly is only half the battle. Getting them...