I’ve Got A 6 Foot Bed That Never Has To Be Made.

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By Kyle Wilkinson I did something interesting the other day. Something I haven’t done in years. I voluntarily didn’t go fishing. It was this past Saturday and the sun was shining and my wife was at work. (She’s a hair stylist, which I’ll add is...

The Kill

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By Justin Pickett The rubber basket of my net is stressed as it is stretched, enveloping what many anglers might consider the “catch of a lifetime." He is wild and full of energy. His hooked jaw chomping at the air, almost as if he’d bite the hell...

Choosing the Lens That’s Right You

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The most common camera question I get from my friends is "what lens should I buy." My usual answer is, "the one that costs the most." It's a joke, but there is some truth to it. Here are a few tips on choosing a good lens...

 Trout Fishing The Low Warm Water of Summer

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By Kevin Howell Low, warm water is tough on trout and anglers. Over the years I have been forced to fish for trout in some of the worst possible conditions, from high water, to days that the ice freezes instantly on your guides. The absolute hardest...

Baby Tarpon, Little Monsters

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Tarpon are the king of Sport fish, even when they're only ten pounds. Standing on the bow of a flats boat at dawn, looking into a perfectly symmetrical sunrise reflecting on the glass-calm water, I can't think of anywhere I'd rather be. When a pair of...