Fly Feature: Stealth Bomber

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By Justin Pickett IT DIVES AND IT GURGLES. IT SPUTTERS AND IT BUBBLES. AND IT JUST PLAIN CATCHES FISH! The Stealth Bomber is by far my number one topwater fly pattern for warm water species. Whether I’m after smallmouth or largemouth bass, or targeting bluegill, it’s always...

I’ll Have The Fish

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Is Aquiculture Wrong? I got into a discussion with a friend the other day that put a burr under my saddle. We were talking about what fish is OK to eat and what isn't. Not in the way that I refuse to eat a catfish from...

Your Guide Is Your Dog

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I'm a big believer in DIY destination fishing, but I'm not a fool. I traveled with a good friend to the Florida Keys recently. It was my buddy's first time fishing the Keys. He's a great angler, resourceful and all about DIY fishing. He's turned me...

Putting Your Rod Tip In The Water Can Be A Game Changer

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EVERYONE WANTS TO CATCH BIG FISH BUT LEARNING TO OUTSMART THEM TAKES SOME DOING. Big fish often hold a PhD in fly selection and presentation, but any experienced angler can tell you that getting them to eat your fly is only half the battle. Getting them...

Careful Where You Point That Thing

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TOOTHY AND GENERALLY ILL TEMPERED, BARRACUDA ARE A BLAST TO CATCH ON THE FLY. Their vicious attack is almost unbelievable to watch. My buddy Andrew Bennett holds a nice one here for a sub-surface hero shot. The Bahamians eat them. Barracuda are generally not edible because they...