More Than Just A Cast

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By Owen Plair WHEN THROWING FLIES AT REDFISH, MANY PIECES OF THE PUZZLE HAVE TO COME TOGETHER TO MAKE A SUCCESSFUL DAY. You may be able to throw a fly line 100 feet, but that doesn't always mean you're gonna have a killer day on the water....

Lowcountry Winter Redfish

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By Owen Plair What makes the winter fishing for redfish so special? There are not many fisheries that have a winter time season, due to migratory fish, cold temps, snow, and ice. One of the many great things about the Lowcountry is that it is a year...

Muddy Water Redfish

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BY OWEN PLAIR WATER CLARITY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN SALTWATER FLY FISHING. No matter what fish you are targeting, simply being able to see the fish, and the fish being able to see your fly is key. Targeting fish on the flats in muddy water...

Flood Tide Redfish

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By Owen Plair I ALWAYS TELL MY CLIENTS THAT THE FLOOD TIDES ARE A GIFT, TO ANGLERS, FROM MOTHER NATURE. Targeting tailing redfish on flood tides, from Northern Florida all the way to North Carolina, is one of the most unique opportunities for fly anglers. Something about...

Flood Tide Redfish

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By Owen Plair I ALWAYS TELL MY CLIENTS THAT THE FLOOD TIDES ARE A GIFT, TO ANGLERS, FROM MOTHER NATURE. Targeting tailing redfish on flood tides, from Northern Florida all the way to North Carolina, is one of the most unique opportunities for fly anglers. Something about...