Fly Selection- as explained though a bag of Doritos

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By Kyle Wilkinson What's more important, fly choice or presentation? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, when it comes to trout fishing (in my opinion) most fish are going to care WAY more about a perfect drift than the exact ‘perfect’ fly- and this...

11 Tips for Spotting Tarpon

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HOW DOES A SIX FOOT LONG FISH VANISH? It's hard to imagine, but they do. Even big schools of tarpon can sneak up on you with surprising regularity. Tarpon fishing is a game of strategy and the earlier you see the fish, the better your chances...

New Treatment for Casters Elbow

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Ok, it tennis elbow but it might as easily be casters elbow. If you've spent much time on the cork end of a fly rod you've felt that burning in the elbow. Probably while you were fighting a big fish. That's when it usually gets me....

Is Your Introvert Personality Holding Back Your Fly Fishing Growth?

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Those of you that know me personally, would probably agree I'm somewhat of an introvert. Much of that is due to the fact that I was a shy kid with few friends growing up, and I spent a great deal of my time in grade...

The Sharp End of the Boat

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By David Grossman LOOKING BACK ON MY FEW SUCCESSES AND MANY FAILURES, THE THIN LINE BETWEEN THE TWO WAS USUALLY MENTAL. There are plenty of folks more qualified to talk about knots, casting, tides, and the thousands of other factors that go into becoming a proficient saltwater...