Tag Archives: Louis Cahill
How Trolling Motors Are Changing Tarpon Fishing
MY FIRST DAY OF FISHING TARPON WITH A TROLLING MOTOR WASN'T WHAT I'D EXPECTED. I've been involved in several conversations on this topic in the past year. There are strong opinions on both sides but the fact is that each year there are more guides pursuing...
Die With a Human Heart by Jon Tobey
Today, we are pleased and honored to bring you an amazing work of fly fishing fiction by Jon Tobey of Gointothelight. Jon is an accomplished writer and his story "The Very Cruelest Thing" was a huge hit as a Saturday Shoutout. We knew you wanted...
Bruce Chard’s Double Haul Drill
Today begins a special five part video tutorial on building blinding line speed. Line speed is the most important component in successful salt water fly fishing. There's plenty of finesse involved but line speed is the cost of admission. If you can't build the speed you...
Fly Fishing Bass: Take Advantage of Late-Winter Warming Trends
This past month, most of us found ourselves having to deal with insanely cold weather, and in many cases, record snow fall on top of that. It was so cold for such an extended period of time, Lake Superior froze over solid, and that hasn't...
More Than Just A Cast
By Owen Plair WHEN THROWING FLIES AT REDFISH, MANY PIECES OF THE PUZZLE HAVE TO COME TOGETHER TO MAKE A SUCCESSFUL DAY. You may be able to throw a fly line 100 feet, but that doesn't always mean you're gonna have a killer day on the water....