Tag Archives: how to tie tarpon flies
Dickey’s Tarpon Muddler
IS THERE ANYTHING MORE SATISFYING THAN CATCHING A FISH ON A FLY THAT YOU TIED YOURSELF? WHAT ABOUT WHEN THAT FISH IS A BIG, LAID UP TARPON? Where going to spend a little time helping you do just that. A couple of my good friends are...
The Tennessee Bacon
This big bite of lard fried southern trout streamer is too good to resist. I've seen the TN Bacon in action and I'm a believer. Big brown trout just can't resist taking a bite. Created for eastern Tennessee tailgaters like the South Holston, this fly catches...
Sunday Classic / Dickey’s Tarpon Muddler
IS THERE ANYTHING MORE SATISFYING THAN CATCHING A FISH ON A FLY THAT YOU TIED YOURSELF? WHAT ABOUT WHEN THAT FISH IS A BIG, LAID UP TARPON? Where going to spend a little time helping you do just that. A couple of my good friends are...