Tag Archives: gink & gasoine
Fly Rod Grip – Keep it Consistent
A common mistake that I see with many of my first timers is they fail to keep a consistent fly rod grip when they're first learning how to cast a fly rod. Without notice, they often shuffle their rod hand around on the cork, which...
13 Proven Streamer Patterns for Trout
13 Big streamer patterns that get big results! I wrote an article stressing about the importance of experimenting with different streamer retrieve speeds and stripping lengths, until you find a winning combination that the trout find the most enticing. Generally, when you're paying close enough attention...
Keep Your Hands on the Cork
By Kent Klewein Like so many others out there, I've broken my fair share of fly rods over the years. I've slammed them in tailgates, stuck them in ceiling fans and I've squashed quite a few trying to get in and out of my cataraft to...
Fly Rod Grip – Keep it Consistent
A common mistake that I see with many of my first timers is they fail to keep a consistent fly rod grip when they're first learning how to cast a fly rod. Without notice, they often shuffle their rod hand around on the cork, which...
Sunday Classic / Keep Your Hands on the Cork
Like so many others out there, I've broken my fair share of fly rods over the years. I've slammed them in tailgates, stuck them in ceiling fans and I've squashed quite a few trying to get in and out of my cataraft to quickly. It took...