Tag Archives: fly fishing tips
Angler Attitude Can Increase Success During Tough Fishing Conditions
I'm grateful to have a full-time fishing partner that isn't afraid to step it up when the going gets tough. Louis Cahill is the epitome of this, he's an angler that's willing to do whatever's necessary to put fish in the net, even when catching fish...
Fight Big Fish with the Butt Section of the Fly Rod Not the Tip
If you fly fish long enough and pay your dues, it's just a matter of time until you hook into a giant fish and experience defeat. I've always loved the saying, "It's always the big ones that get away", like it provides anglers a viable excuse...
Fly Fishing: 6 Sight-Fishing Tips for Shallow Water Trout
Fly fishing during the fall and winter months can really open the door to some great sight-fishing opportunities for fly anglers targeting trout. Generally, most of our wadable trout streams run low and clear from the lack of rainfall this time of year. If you...
8 Common Fly Line Mending Mistakes
I spend the majority of my time teaching fly casting when guiding my clients, but the art of mending fly line is a close second. A perfect cast can quickly become obsolete if you don't understand the concept of mending fly line. When mending is...
4 Reasons Why Waterfall Plunge Pools Can Hold Big Fish
THERE ARE FEW THINGS I LOVE MORE THAN WADE FISHING A SMALL STREAM AND STUMBLING UPON A STEEP VERTICAL WATERFALL WITH A DEEP PLUNGE POOL. Waterfalls this size are pretty rare on small streams, but if you're lucky enough to locate one, you could very well...