Prolong the Life of Your Leaders with Tippet Rings

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Leaders have got quite expensive over the past couple decades. Recently, I saw a pack of two fluorocarbon leaders retail for $20.00 in a fly shop. That's a pretty good hit to the wallet if you get out on the water to fly fish regularly. One...

Fly Fishing: Too Much Mending Can Ruin Your Drift

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One of the most critical techniques of fly fishing that anglers often lack knowledge in, is understanding how to properly mend fly line during the drift. If I tallied up all the time I spend each day instructing clients on various fly fishing techniques, teaching...

Fly Fishing with Stealth – 8 Common Mistakes

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How often to you think anglers miss opportunities catching trout because of the lack of stealth? The more educated trout populations are in a stream, river or lake you're fly fishing, the more important it is for fly anglers to mimic the way a hunter...

Fly Fishing Bass: Take Advantage of Late-Winter Warming Trends

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This past month, most of us found ourselves having to deal with insanely cold weather, and in many cases, record snow fall on top of that. It was so cold for such an extended period of time, Lake Superior froze over solid, and that hasn't...

5 Reasons Why Turbulent Water Can Provide Great Trout Fishing

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Many of my beginner level clients, struggle when it comes to reading trout water. More specifically, they find it difficult when they have to compare two different sections or types of water, and quickly decide which one of them should yield them a higher percentage...