A Team Approach To Landing Big Fish

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WHEN LANDING A BIG FISH YOU NEED THE DECK STACKED IN YOUR FAVOR. On my recent trip to Alaska West, I hade ample opportunity to practice big fish landing skills. We fished from the boat a good bit and it seemed like every five minutes we...

Is the Fly Fishing Industry Making Us Soft?

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By Paul Puckett I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF THAT IS THE RIGHT WORD OR RIGHT WAY TO DESCRIBE WHAT I MEAN. Being in this industry for just over 20 years, I have seen a lot of changes. Changes in the people who fish, the way they fish...

Weather Dictates When and How I Fish My Terrestrials

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Every year, I'm asked by clients, when is the best time for them to come up and experience the terrestrial bite? For years, I kept a terrestrial fishing journal to help me better serve my clients. The journal documented the arrival times of specific terrestrials...

Western Fly Guide for Eastern Anglers

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I get asked all the time by eastern fly anglers heading out west for the first time, what fly patterns they should stock up on before they leave. What percentage of dry flies to wet flies they should pack, what sizes, and should they pack streamers?...

Fishing Fast

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By Owen Plair There are a lot of situations where fishing fast is the difference in getting an eat or the fish not seeing your fly. Either because the fish is very close to the boat, or moving at an angle where you only get one...