Imposter Syndrome on the Flats

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By Tim Loonam Is faking it keeping you from making it? I’m standing on the deck of a Bair’s Lodge flats boat on South Andros and turn to look over my shoulder.  There’s our guide, Gary, wearing that huge Bahamian smile with the ever-present cigar...

Trash On The Flats

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IF WE CAN FLY FISH FOR CARP, WHY NOT LADY FISH? I was in the Bahamas last month for a little DIY bonefishing. I love DIY trips. They have a whole different vibe from a guided lodge experience. I'm sure I miss some opportunities fishing without...

The Bow Clock

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If you can't communicate with your guide, you're fishing blind. Communication is the key to successful saltwater fly fishing. Flats fishing with a guide is a team sport, and like all team sports, The team must work together to win. Your guide has a couple of...

Saltwater Fly Fishing: 11 Tips for Presenting Your Fly To Tarpon

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Anyone that's fly fished for tarpon has probably experienced how easy it can be to present the fly incorrectly. If you miss your target, even by just a little bit, it can drastically lower your chances for getting a tarpon to eat. Cast the fly...

Trash On The Flats

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IF WE CAN FLY FISH FOR CARP, WHY NOT LADY FISH? I was in the Bahamas last month for a little DIY bonefishing. I love DIY trips. They have a whole different vibe from a guided lodge experience. I'm sure I miss some opportunities fishing without...