Tag Archives: flats fishing
Imposter Syndrome on the Flats
By Tim Loonam Is faking it keeping you from making it? I’m standing on the deck of a Bair’s Lodge flats boat on South Andros and turn to look over my shoulder. There’s our guide, Gary, wearing that huge Bahamian smile with the ever-present cigar...
Trash On The Flats
IF WE CAN FLY FISH FOR CARP, WHY NOT LADY FISH? I was in the Bahamas last month for a little DIY bonefishing. I love DIY trips. They have a whole different vibe from a guided lodge experience. I'm sure I miss some opportunities fishing without...
The Bow Clock
If you can't communicate with your guide, you're fishing blind. Communication is the key to successful saltwater fly fishing. Flats fishing with a guide is a team sport, and like all team sports, The team must work together to win. Your guide has a couple of...
Saltwater Fly Fishing: 11 Tips for Presenting Your Fly To Tarpon
Anyone that's fly fished for tarpon has probably experienced how easy it can be to present the fly incorrectly. If you miss your target, even by just a little bit, it can drastically lower your chances for getting a tarpon to eat. Cast the fly...
Trash On The Flats
IF WE CAN FLY FISH FOR CARP, WHY NOT LADY FISH? I was in the Bahamas last month for a little DIY bonefishing. I love DIY trips. They have a whole different vibe from a guided lodge experience. I'm sure I miss some opportunities fishing without...