Fish Every Cast!

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By Justin Pickett From the great casts and the perfect drifts, to the ugly presentations and the drowned dry flies, if those flies hit the water, let ‘em drift! Just about every day that I spend on the water with a client, I’ll find myself, at some...

Weight is Great

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Lot's of days, more weight means more fish. I've hesitated to write on this topic because it seems so elementary. Sort of a fly fishing truism but I've been encouraged lately after reminding several of my friends who are highly experienced anglers of this simple fact....

Check Your Fly Rig!

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By Justin Pickett The sun is only a faint glow below the horizon as it prepares to make its ascent into the sky. I launch my chunky, articulated offering into the twilight. Slicing through the fog, it lands mere inches from the bank. Soon, will come the moment of...

8 Tips For Figuring Out The Trout

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How do you find and catch trout on days when there doesn’t seem to be much action? When the river looks like it’s boiling with rising trout and you’re having to wipe the BWOs out of your eyes just to tie on a fly, it doesn’t...

Adjusting your rig

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By Dan Fraiser I’M STANDING ON THE BANK WATCHING THE BOTTOM FALL OUT OF THE STREAM AND A DARK ABYSS FORM WHERE THERE ONCE WAS STREAM BOTTOM. The currents are right and the undercut bank is textbook. I know there are fish in there like I know...