Tag Archives: fighting fish
Putting Your Rod Tip In The Water Can Be A Game Changer
EVERYONE WANTS TO CATCH BIG FISH BUT LEARNING TO OUTSMART THEM TAKES SOME DOING. Big fish often hold a PhD in fly selection and presentation, but any experienced angler can tell you that getting them to eat your fly is only half the battle. Getting them...
Putting Your Rod Tip In The Water Can Be A Game Changer
When a strong fish runs hard downstream too quickly for you to follow, you find yourself at a disadvantage. With the fish directly downstream, the angle of the hook in the fish's mouth is perilous. Any thrashing or head shaking on the part of the...
Don’t get yourself caught in a tight spot!
By Justin Pickett "MY MOUTH SPEWED WITH EXPLETIVES. MY BUDDY’S FACE WAS BLANK. I KNEW THAT IT WAS THE RESULT OF SEVERAL POOR DECISIONS." Recently, I headed up north with a great friend of mine to fish a small stream in north Georgia. Over the past couple...
Don’t get yourself caught in a tight spot!
By Justin Pickett "MY MOUTH SPEWED WITH EXPLETIVES. MY BUDDY’S FACE WAS BLANK. I KNEW THAT IT WAS THE RESULT OF SEVERAL POOR DECISIONS." Recently, I headed up north with a great friend of mine to fish a small stream in north Georgia. Over the past couple...
Why Did I Lose That Fish?
By Kyle Wilkinson Nobody likes to lose a fish. ’Tis the season that I’m spending a lot of time on the water guiding, and so far it’s been a great year. Whether it be the manageable flows through runoff, good customers, happy fish, good daily bug...