Tag Archives: Dr. Slick
Should You Be Sharpening Your Hooks More?
Casting all day long, searching for that beast of a brown. I'm giving it everything I've got. I know that's what it's going to take if I want a decent shot at landing a big mature brown trout. I'm looking for a 20 plus-incher and...
Should You Be Sharpening Your Hooks More?
Casting all day long, searching for that beast of a brown. I'm giving it everything I've got. I know that's what it's going to take if I want a decent shot at landing a big mature brown trout. I'm looking for a 20 plus-incher and...
Sunday Classic / Should You Be Sharpening Your Hooks More?
Casting all day long, searching for that beast of a brown. I'm giving it everything I've got. I know that's what it's going to take if I want a decent shot at landing a big mature brown trout. I'm looking for a 20 plus-incher and...