Tag Archives: catching trophy trout
Catching Big Trout Sometimes Takes Multiple Attempts
Several times this past year guiding, my clients would miss a big fish opportunity during our fishing trip. Sometimes it would be because of a poor hook set, other times, it was completely out of their control by last second refusals or turn offs from the...
Your Odds Go Way Up When You See The Fish
Seeing fish equals catching fish. More than casting. More than fly selection. More than any other skill, one thing separates highly effective anglers. The ability to see fish. I don't care if it's tarpon or trout, bonefish or bass, seeing the fish is the best first step...
Spotting Big Trout in all the Wrong Places
One of my home waters that I spend 500 plus hours a year guiding on is notorious for big fish holding in water that most people would consider horrible trout water. I'm talking about water that is less than a foot deep that even veteran...
Catching Big Trout Sometimes Takes Multiple Attempts
By Kent Klewein Several times this past year guiding, my clients would miss a big fish opportunity during our fishing trip. Sometimes it would be because of a poor hook set, other times, it was completely out of their control by last second refusals or...
Sunday Classic / Catching Big Trout Sometimes Takes Multiple Attempts
SEVERAL TIMES GUIDING THIS PAST YEAR, MY CLIENTS MISSED A BIG FISH OPPORTUNITY DURING OUR FISHING TRIP. Sometimes it would be because of a poor hook set, other times, it was completely out of their control by last second refusals or turn offs from the big...