The Belgian Cast

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A better fly cast for windy days. You know that feeling you get when you watch a school of bonefish swim away while you squirm and wrench your arm out of socket trying to get your fly out of your back? Yeah, me too. Casting with...

Feel the Tarpon Burn

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The first step in landing a big tarpon is getting a really good hook set. If your hook fails to penetrate the hard boney mouth of the tarpon, it almost always will be spit out after the first or second jump. My previous trip to the...

Don’t Get Mad, Get Even

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Five long years had past since I'd last set foot on a flats boat in the Florida Keys. My previous trip I had left the keys vowing to not return until I was a more capable saltwater fly fisher. A few things were in my favor...

Sunday Classic / Better Bonefish Retrieve

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So you've found yourself a bonefish and you've made that big cast into the wind, now what? The propped retrieve is key to success. There are several things keep in mind. The speed and length of the strip, keeping slack out of the system. And what...

Sunday Classic / The Belgian Cast

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THIS CAST SAVED MY LIFE LAST WEEK! You know that feeling you get when you watch a school of bonefish swim away while you squirm and wrench your arm out of socket trying to get your fly out of your back? Yeah, me too. Casting with...