Sunday Classic / Expressionist Brown

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Study the stream bed, brown and green. Through ripples and reflections, we find rocks and wood, maybe a shining piece of metal someone has left behind. Even the flash of a flake of mica in the sand, no bigger than a fishes scale. How is...

Epic Argentina Double Header: Feb 3-13, 2018

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This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime fly fishing adventure. I have fished some amazing places but none offer the diversity, solitude and hospitality of Argentina. Floating the storied rivers of Patagonia, you get the sense of what it would have been like to be the first angler...

Saturday Shoutout / So Many Octobers

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“It is easy to forget that in the main we die only seven times more slowly than our dogs,” October has long been my favorite month. I’ve frequently thought it odd that a time which feels like a beginning to me, is really the beginning of...

Streamer Fishing For Trophy Browns: Is Your Streamer Big Enough?

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The other day I was talking with a friend about streamer fishing for trophy class trout. Specifically we were debating what's the best size streamer for catching trophy browns. My buddy confidently proclaimed the biggest of trout will eat a three inch streamer just as...


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"HE LEARNED, BECAME OLDER, WISER AND, YES, BIGGER. HE BECAME A BETTER FISH AND TO CATCH HIM I WOULD HAVE TO BECOME A BETTER MAN." Omar was a tough guy. Mean, if you got right down to it. A loner. Seldom seen, and when he was,...