More Than Just A Cast

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By Owen Plair WHEN THROWING FLIES AT REDFISH, MANY PIECES OF THE PUZZLE HAVE TO COME TOGETHER TO MAKE A SUCCESSFUL DAY. You may be able to throw a fly line 100 feet, but that doesn't always mean you're gonna have a killer day on the water....

Lowcountry Winter Redfish

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By Owen Plair What makes the winter fishing for redfish so special? There are not many fisheries that have a winter time season, due to migratory fish, cold temps, snow, and ice. One of the many great things about the Lowcountry is that it is a year...

The Bow Clock

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If you can't communicate with your guide, you're fishing blind. Communication is the key to successful saltwater fly fishing. Flats fishing with a guide is a team sport, and like all team sports, The team must work together to win. Your guide has a couple of...

Florida Lowers Limits To Increase Redfish Numbers

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By Justin Pickett On April 14 of this year, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) passed a new daily catch limit for Red Drum along its Northwest coastline. According to the FWC, “these changes come as the result of stakeholder concerns that Red Drum populations...