Keep On Stripping!

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By Justin Pickett One of the things that I’ve learned over the years, and something that I stress to my clients, is to always, Always, ALWAYS finish your retrieve when stripping streamers. I can’t begin to count the amount of times I’ve had a trout slam a...

Streamer Fishing: Float Your Lane

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By Louis Cahill When you are fishing streamers from a boat, how close should you be to the bank? Ask a dozen anglers and you may get a dozen answers. The distance that works for me, might not work for you, but I’m going to share some...

10 Tips For Targeting Rising Trout With Terrestrials

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One of my favorite times of the year to fly fish for trout is when I'm able to target rising fish with terrestrials. It's always a breath of fresh air when I'm able to leave the nymph box at the truck in exchange for my terrestrial...

The Streamer Game

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Streamer fishing is addictive. It's almost become a cliche, but it's true. Guys get into it and hardly want to do anything else. I'm kinda one of those guys. I do lots of kinds of fishing, but if I'm out for trout and there's nothing obvious...

The Tennessee Bacon

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This big bite of lard fried southern trout streamer is too good to resist. I've seen the TN Bacon in action and I'm a believer. Big brown trout just can't resist taking a bite. Created for eastern Tennessee tailgaters like the South Holston, this fly catches...