Spey Casting: Straight Is Better Than Long

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When you’re swinging flies with two-hand rods, landing the cast straight is always better than making a long cast. Look, I’m as guilty as any of us. We all want to launch the fly into orbit around the sun. It feels good, it looks good, and...

Go Slow Mo Fo

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By Jeff Hickman Ask any Spey casting coach or steelhead guide what they find themselves saying most often during the day and most likely it's the words, "slow down". I have often joked about just getting a tape recorder to say it for me on repeat. But...

Don’t Let The Two-Handed Rod Eat Your Brain

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By Louis Cahill It's like the zombie apocalypse out there. When you pick up a two-handed rod for the first time, it's pretty common to experience information overload. It's like you pick this thing up, make one cast and discover that some bloodthirsty zombie has eaten your...

Spey Casting, The Sweep

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Tired, lost, in a funk, something amiss about your spey cast? When my fishing is dissolving into a casting malfunction and in frustration an early start to cocktail hour seems like a good idea; I just tell myself, lift, sweep, set, circle up and pull...

Go Slow Mo Fo

8 comments / Posted on / by

By Jeff Hickman Ask any Spey casting coach or steelhead guide what they find themselves saying most often during the day and most likely it's the words, "slow down". I have often joked about just getting a tape recorder to say it for me on repeat. But...