Tag Archives: how to catch trophy trout
Catching Big Trout Sometimes Takes Multiple Attempts
Several times this past year guiding, my clients would miss a big fish opportunity during our fishing trip. Sometimes it would be because of a poor hook set, other times, it was completely out of their control by last second refusals or turn offs from the...
Catching Big Trout Sometimes Takes Multiple Attempts
By Kent Klewein Several times this past year guiding, my clients would miss a big fish opportunity during our fishing trip. Sometimes it would be because of a poor hook set, other times, it was completely out of their control by last second refusals or...
Sunday Classic / Catching Big Trout Sometimes Takes Multiple Attempts
SEVERAL TIMES GUIDING THIS PAST YEAR, MY CLIENTS MISSED A BIG FISH OPPORTUNITY DURING OUR FISHING TRIP. Sometimes it would be because of a poor hook set, other times, it was completely out of their control by last second refusals or turn offs from the big...