Tag Archives: fly fishing travel
Sunday Classic / 10 Tips to Keep You Catching Fish During Your Fly Fishing Travels
It’s easy to get out of your game when you’re traveling and fly fishing a new piece of water. It has happened to me plenty of times, where I find myself fly fishing and going against all my fishing catching principles. Stick to what works...
Saturday Shoutout / Yellow Dog Talks Packing Carry-On Luggage, The Limp Cobra talks E -merg- R
At some point, whether it's around the corner or several months out, we're all going to eventually board an airplane so we can travel to an exciting fly fishing destination of our dreams. With the airline companies constantly changing the rules from year to year...
Sunday’s Classic / Peacock Bass in the Amazon Part 2
Packing for Success in the Amazon Preparing and packing the right gear prior to your departure to the Amazon is crucial for your overall trip enjoyment and fishing success. Following these gear recommendations, fishing tips, and general amazon facts, will ensure that you’ll be ready...
Sunday’s Classic / Fly Fishing For Peacock Bass Part 1
I’ve been very blessed to have fly fished many destinations around the world. All have been amazing trips, but one destination in particular I hold close to my heart. Every time someone asks me what’s the coolest place I’ve fly fished, without any hesitation, I...